Sunday, 26 March 2017

Darwin Days

Darwin! What a place. The humidity, the tropics, the markets, the outdoor adventures and some really lasting friendships. It was a wonderful place to live and work gave us perspective about equity and healthcare in Australia. We've now moved to the next D-town... Dubbo!

We were reassured when we arrived in February. The weather was very welcoming.  Lee  point... Great place for storm watching!
Equally reassuring was the provided accomodation. James called it 'rustic'. Min called it 'prison'
But we found a new, fully furnished place... there were even what James liked to call "the welcome pussies"
One of the best things about Darwin is the markets. Parap, Nightcliff, Mindil and Rapid creek. Laksa Saturday, 9am, 90% humidity, sweat on the top lip... it's a must!
So are the crepes
As are the exotic vegetables from Rapid Creek markets
When trying to make new friends in a new town, it's important to blend in and not embarrass yourself. Here we are at a dress up party early in the year. The theme was "The Outback". We went as Grey nomads. Not embarrassing at all
The sunsets during the wet season are stunning. Especially at the coast. Nightcliff jetty
Darwin SLSC (that's right... they have a surf life saving club)
Also pretty good from Hingston St Chinese take-away (we didn't make it to the coast in time for this one... but the number 57 with black bean sauce certainly made up for it).
James did quite a lot of on call up in Darwin... Min's not sure about 'the saving lives and breaking hearts' bit. More like maintaining lives...
...and being on call in your speedos (did we say it was hot)?
When cooking in the tropics, it gets incredibly hot. Always make sure you wear an apron for those oil splatters
As new Territorians we embraced the NT news (NB: Our friend Cara IS NOT the subject of the headline)
Intriguing... would the offspring be a Gorse or a Hoat? Tackling the big issues

How can you walk past this on the newsstand and not buy it!
One of the best things about living in Darwin was the amazing outdoor weekend trips we could do. This is at Robin Falls, just near Adelaide river
Although... camping in a rooftop in mid-march may have been ambitious. We've never been hotter... but thank goodness for the 1970's car fan
Lucky there are beautiful swimming holes to cool off in. Here is Min at Motor car falls in Kakadu  
Min stayed in for exactly 2 seconds. James' reassurance that "You never hear of croc attacks in NT waterways" wasn't convincing
Actually, when you look this good, how could the crocodiles resist. Delectable!
James at Bitter Springs 100 Km south of Katherine. Mature... really mature
Min and Fi at Koolpin gorge. A spectacular and less visited part of Kakadu NP
A good group shot is all about the timing
Koolpin gorge was one of the highlight weekend spots... and great to share it with some new friends
Buley's rock hole, Litchfield NP
We were privileged to have some old friends come and visit and share our adventures too. Here we are up stream from Buley's rock hole
Just wall sittin' at the Humpty Doo Hotel

10 months later and Angus and James still haven't heard back regarding a job with Manpower after submitting this photo. It's an outrage...
Fair enough about knocking back Angus, but seriously, James too... are they blind?!
Meanwhile, Min submitted this photo to the publication "Adventure Babes". One piece cozzie and hiking boots... hot
Min's mum even got to visit... and they made a new friend!
Woo! Here we go for a gentle paddle up Katherine gorge. What a great way to spend a weekend
Portage (verb): A stupid activity where you have to carry a stupid, crappy, stupid canoe between two stupid bodies of stupid water. 
Yes... it was as hard as it looks
But certainly worth it (despite James' hernia)
The outreach work was a lot of fun. Small planes to communities all over the Top End

No blog about Darwin is complete without at least 4 photos of crocodiles. Here is one at Yellow Water.
Here's one called Louis (as in Louis Vuitton). He was our friends' pet. That's right... we had Darwin friends with a pet crocodile!
Here's one called Brutus. His name is self explanatory (note the unfazed gentleman in the white t-shirt)

Our love of Yellow Water continued throughout the year. Kakadu is a spectacular place

The wet season gave a very different perspective

Watching a storm roll in from Ubirr rock
Great to share with our friends
Jim Jim falls
Our secret is out... every dress up party we go to, we just use the same recycled boxes
We even survived a night out on Mitchell St!

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